Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who I Am

Never is our identity more at doubt than when we are on the internet.

A phonecall, only so many people can answer, and voices are easy to recognize.

A letter, why I know that address, oh look it's dear so-and-so.

A visitor, well they're right in front of you.

An IM, an email, a Facebook post, a forum comment, deviantart picture, IRC quip or blog submission. That could be anyone. Anyone with a username and a password and a desire to contribute to the mass of the internet.

Who I am, I could be anyone and you would never know it. I could be your neighbor. Or your cousin. I could be your IT guy or the barista at your local Starbucks. I could be a kid in Africa or Australia or Japan or Mexico. I could be the president of the United States or mayor of Middle America. I could be anyone and only I would know.

Who I am is who I present myself as. It is who I try to be.

Who I am is who people see me as. How they interpret what I try to be.

I could be the asshole posting on your forum, the jerk trolling your dA. I could be the dyslexic blogger with words to say or the band putting up more songs no one listens to on YouTube because I have dreams.

I could be a lot of things, but for certain I am who I am and that is all that matters to me.

1 comment:

  1. I've always found that the internet gives me the option to try being somebody else for a few minutes each day. I like the flexibility. I don't have to censor my thoughts quite so much online.
